Seeing Red, Voting Blue

Motivating Young Voter Turnout in 2022 

In 2022, everyone from apparel companies to super pacs wanted to help motivated youth voter turnout for the midterm elections. I helped BPI lead the charge, creating a variety of ads in various tones and styles.

The Work

Patagonia - You Scare Them

Patagonia’s goal? To authentically empower young voters of color in the Reno, Pittsburgh, and Atlanta, areas. We accomplished this by casting young, local voting rights activists as our on-screen and voice talent, and wrapping our narrative around a single message: your strength frightens the very people who are trying to stop your vote.

NextGen America - Our Choice

This ad for NextGen America meets the urgency of our current moment while also empowering young voters to believe in the impact they can have.

NextGen America - Thanks To You

Urgency alone isn’t enough to drive people to the polls. This ad for NextGen America leaned into the incredible impact young voters can have, not just on elections, but on the course of the nation.